The Unimonex data transfer software is optimized for use with the mobile GSM/3G/4G modems and local Wi-Fi hotspots with the possibility for unstable or very low bandwidth connections. The communication protocol used does not have any minimum bandwidth requirements and recovers from broken connections.
The actual current Internet connection quality determines the reception time delay, which is automatically adjusted in software. Flexible channel selection, data compression and resampling, discardable buffering, and the deferred download mode allow the system and the user to select the best operating mode in varying network conditions.
There is no data loss with broken network connections. Data buffering is implemented on local hard drives and on the server. In low bandwidth conditions the user can choose between receiving the most recent monitoring data with the delayed blocks discarded or complete data download with longer time delay.
Unimonex uses only the standard HTTP Internet protocol and an intermediate web-server (Apache) for all data transfers. This removes any requirements for complicated network setup (no dedicated IP needed, the transfer can operate behind NAT), reduces software and hardware compatibility problems. It is also possible to configure Unimonex multichannel transfer using hardware traffic splitters connecting to multiple cellular carriers simultaneously.
Both the upload and download workstations allow the users to adjust the network transfer modes depending on the current network conditions and the data processing requirements. Data transfer can be configured either for minimal delay or for buffering with the best resolution.
The workstation operators at the sending and the receiving ends can continuously monitor locally acquired or downloaded synchronized signal streams. They can easily change views, scale and sweep modes. Network state indicators, data buffering stats and optional network diagnostics are also available. The network mode controls allow the users to change the transfer modes on-the-fly, to pause or restart the transfer, and to clear the collected data.
For EEG, ECG, EMG, IBP, NIBP, CO2 and SpO2 and Doppler channels Unimonex provides multiple online processing tools, standard index calculation, spectral analysis, etc.
The data streams can be registered in a patient database either at the receiving or at the sending workstations. The stored data is associated with a patient medical record, which supports a flexible set of user-defined data fields.
The patient database management system allows adding comments and metadata, creates customized printouts and provides useful tools for statistics analysis, contextual search, data backup, textual, tabular, graphic or DICOM data export.